Full Gospel Native Missionary
Repairs begin for Pastor Santhos church and so much more
Luke 14:23
“And the master said to the servant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled.’”
Happy New Year and God bless you. Dear friend in Jesus, may this year find you with many blessings and the grace of God flowing in all your efforts. The Lord has certainly given us a clearer perspective; which is lining out our path for 2025.
We are hitting the ground running with efforts for this new year and are thrilled at the plans the Lord is giving us. Thank you, dear friend for being a part of all of this. Thank you for your love, prayers and support.
Through the years the Lord has spoken to me through many different ways: scriptures, prophecy, tongues and interpretation, visions, that still small voice and sometimes speaking loudly to get my attention, dreams and then those wonderful conversations we’ve had.
Several years ago, in one of those conversations the Lord told me to build churches. The only thing is when He told me, we were struggling financially more than usual. My thought was, yes, I’d love to do that. But, God, you’re telling a poor woman who barely is paying the bills.
At that time, it only cost $3000 to build a church and I didn’t even have $3000. Then as God began to supply, I told our pastor we have to start building. I was given a list of pastors who need a church and many more in need of repairs. Then the costs to build suddenly doubled. Then COVID hit the earth halting everything. Then as COVID lifted, costs soared ever so high.
Looking over the past two years I see when the Lord specifically told me to do things and I simply did them because God said and it seemed impossible at the time. Yet, God keeps showing up doing what seems impossible.
David and I have been able to visit the mission field, visit our churches, hold pastors conferences and outreaches. We have been able to visit, play, eat and worship with our precious orphan children. That alone is worth all the hard work we do.
When we first arrived at our orphanage in Kakinada we met our new head-mistress, or as her title there is, the warden. She is a spirit-filled Christian who speaks good English. I told her I am so happy to be there, that I had missed the children. She said she heard all about me from the children. They have been so excited over the past several days waiting for our arrival. She said they all told her how I played with them and were just waiting for us to get there to play more games with them.
Two children of one of our deceased pastors are part of our orphans program. The son who is 10 is named Heaven and his 6year old sister is Parina (Prissy). When we took the children to the beach Prissy held my hand and would not let go. She played and laughed heartedly but her laughs are soft and gentle like her. Afterwards we went to eat downtown along the street vendors where the children could choose what they wanted. After dinner we bought them an ice cream cone. Heaven came back to his seat near us saying with a tone of contentment, “This is the happiest day of my life.”
The Christmas program held in the Kakinada area brought in over 1500 people. Our orphan children always prepare for that event with dancing, singing and participation of the story of the birth of Jesus. Many salvations occurred.
One of our newly added churches had several Christmas productions in the month of December. Each Sunday was dedicated for different events, a Sister’s Christmas, Men’s Christmas, Youth Christmas, Children’s Christmas and Christmas caroling.
Each event was conducted by the church members and each service was packed. This church has about 300 members. The Christmas carolers visited 133 houses with singing and praying. Before I knew there would be carolers, I was praying for that. God answers the simplest requests.
The work is expanding so quickly on the mission field. It is outgrowing the ministry here and that leads us back to what God is showing David and I for this upcoming year.
Not only will I be visiting and preaching in many different churches here; to introduce our ministry and show what God is doing but also starting new programs here that will help grow the ministry. Please pray with us as we step out to help bring growth to the ministry.
In India, we are still building churches. We began building in 2019 and five churches have been built. But there are about 20 more churches to build and several needing repairs. The cost to build a church from the ground up has jumped to a huge amount of about $52,000 per church.
While there this last trip, I told our pastors they must provide me with written estimates and plans for their churches and three pastor already had them in hand. They are ready.
I told Pastor Santhos, who has the furthest outreach that we will start funding his church repairs this month. I have already sent the first installment of $1500. The total cost of his repairs is $10,900.
We were not able to visit his church last year because we did not have enough time. As we drove the five and half hour ride down windy, pot hole, more like crater roads, the pastor’s wife got carsick twice on the ride down but we made it and had a great service. After the service and our meal with the people, I walked outside with Pastor Santhos to look over his church. He showed me all the cracks, leaks and problems.
We continued around and then I saw a large speaker on top the church. I asked him about that and he smiled. He said, “yes, all services are broadcasted through the speaker into the village. The villagers heard your messaged today.”
But this is not the only church with a speaker. Pastor Abraham who we are support with the senior apt add-on does the same, and others.
As we finished circling the church Pastor Santhos said, will you please come to the house here? They could not come to church because of illness. They are asking that you come and pray for them. Yes, of course, and we walked to the gate next door. They had brought out the woman of the house to the gate wanting prayer. I laid hands on her and the Lord touched and healed her.
After prayer the Pastor said, will you please come to this other house. They are asking if you will come and pray for them. Yes, let’s go. And we walked a couple of houses down across the road. We took our shoes off and entered the front door. A middle-aged woman was so humbly standing there asking for prayer for her sick husband and son. The husband’s sickness caused him to lose his job and they are in great need. I laid hands on her and prayed and we left.
We are walking back towards the church and the pastor asks once again. Will you come into this house, they are hoping you would come and pray for them.
We turned in and walked up their yard, removed our shoes as we entered the house and I was shocked to see a young woman sitting on a blanket in an area that would have been a tiny dining room. She was severely handicapped. Her legs were folded up underneath her and looking no bigger than twigs. She looked around but never looking at me; I knew she needed a touch from God. I laid hands on her and prayed and sought God on her behalf as well as the family. The mother was standing there as tears fell down her face. She said she was amazed God sent someone all the way from America right into her home to pray. God truly visited that home that day.
I have so much to share with you and wish I could in person. God is doing great things on the mission field; and I thank you with all my heart for your support to help fulfill God’s plan. Thank you for supporting the mission field.
Yes, we are still feeding the hungry, we are now feeding in one village 40 children every night. We have our sewing clinic, our Bible School, children’s ministry, street outreaches, bible studies, church services and church building and more. God is at work through this ministry because of your generosity. Thank you.
We are also working in Mexico with Blanca who is doing a great job. Street evangelism and starting a new jail outreach along with her children’s Tuesday night church. We are working in the Philippines spreading the gospel, food for the needy, bible studies and home visitations. Yes, we need you more than ever. Thank you for your support. I love and pray for you truly. Happy New Year and God bless you.
With love in Jesus,
Sis. Heather Becker
2025 brings us to prepare and plan for the future. In planning, please remember to write your will. Your loved ones need you and your planning will help in a great time of need.
Please remember the mission field who also has needed you. Thank you for keeping your part going on the mission field through Full Gospel Native Missionary in your will. God bless you.