Full Gospel Native Missionary
Psalm 68:5
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,
is God in his holy dwelling.
Newsletter One man died, then Jesus brought him back to life
Much work is happening on the mission field and I thank you for your part.
Greetings beloved friend in Jesus. I am blessed this morning for the Lord is here in my home and office. He is so good and I pray that you are in His omnipresence as well.
I have been so blessed by letters, small notes and prayers I receive in the mail from our dear friends. You are such a blessing to me. Thank you for being a friend to us and especially to the mission field.
This summer has been filled with ministry, miracles and healing, preaching and canning. My garden gave me so many cucumbers. I seed planted several varieties of vegetables but only a few survived and they got planted in my garden. My husband said, “you don’t have time for a garden.” Mostly he is right, but I still needed one. With so many cucumbers David said you will know to plant fewer next year. I said, “Baby, this is only one plant!” But they were wonderful.
I was moved deeply recently during one of our bible studies I teach. One of our members was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease). He was sitting across from David telling of his condition. He had a few symptoms last fall, but it was only this spring when his body began to grow weak and sluggard. His symptoms are coming upon him quickly.
He said, “I am praying the Lord keeps me alive till Jesus comes back. But if He doesn’t, I’m okay because know where I am going.”
We all know our time is in God’s hands to begin with; we know that Jesus is coming back soon. When you see before you that time really is limited with a prognosis and then see that there is comfort knowing it is all worthwhile. We know we are heading toward Jesus and that makes all the difference.
This is Benji, actually Benjamin, but he goes by Benji. He is in one of the nursing homes where I minister. He was absent from church one week. I asked about him and the residents said Benji was in the hospital.
The following week he was smiling as he wheeled himself toward our meeting area. “Benji, how are you? They said you went to the hospital.”
Benji said, “I have something to tell you. I died. I was in my room and fell asleep. I didn’t know they came in and I was unresponsive, not breathing. They called the ambulance and found me dead but revived me. I came back to life.” Benji was so grateful that I had kept him in prayer. A great miracle!
We have had all kinds of weather here, a severe storm knocked down a big tree on my sister’s house. It blocked the front door, the ramp to the porch was covered, it fell on the truck. I told her, we’re coming down. She lives almost an hour and a half away. She said no, it is still raining and the roads are flooded. It’s a mess, do not come today. We waited a day then David and I went down to help.
David brought his chainsaw. We put on our gloves and started moving branches and limbs. I drug them to the street while David was cutting away. We cleared away the ramp and porch. Then limbs were cut so the truck could be driven out from underneath. As he pulled out, we looked over the truck and no damage. We continued clearing away branches and the house was undamaged. The ramp was undamaged, only one board on the front rail was broken from the limb that fell upon it which blocked the front door, miracles of no damage.
We had to stop work. It was too hot but also the rest of the limbs and debris were too high for us to reach or move because they were so big. My sister, Nina, said I will put it on FB, maybe someone will come and cut them down who needs the firewood.
After only a little while, one man responded he will come out and help. Another man also said he will come and help and will take the wood. Another miracle, the large tree will be moved for free. I believe God sent them. God provided protection and help.
There has been a lot of flooding in India, especially in the area of Pastor Kumar’s church. Many people were affected, along with crops and food. Their food was ruined. I told Pastor Spurgeon we need to get in there and help. I will update you when I get those pictures. Our pastors are out there helping.
Pastor Kumar’s church is the next church on our list to support for renovation. His church also floods in these rains but thankfully, not underwater as many of these people have been. Our pastors gather workers and prepare bags of food to deliver to families in need.
We also continue to distribute food to the Leper colony. The people of the Leper colony received medication to stop the disease so by now, they are well. Yet, their bodies were already disfigured and mutilated by Leprosy leaving them as outcasts and disabled. So, they are still in need of assistance. They are always so thankful we bring them food.
Pastor Israel’s church rebuilt through your generous support. Pastor Ratnam’s church near the ocean is getting closer. We have one more installment to send for its construction.
A load of bricks was laid last month, foundation work is complete and soon the remaining rooms will be done. We plan to hold services in this church in November.
These churches represent the gospel has come to these villages. Your support not only helps the native preacher, but look at what is happening for the kingdom of God!
I saw that a few of our orphan children needed clothes because they were growing out of them. I told Lily Grace I want to get the children clothes. She said, we will not get any here. I will find the place that has good material and have them made so the clothes will last longer.
Last Spring you helped me send money for clothes and now they have new school uniforms, the girls in purple, which I think is perfect and the boys in blue. Lily Grace is standing in the back with the girls. As you can see, she fits right in with them.
In Mexico, our evangelist Blanca has opened her home for church for street children. When she has food, she cooks for them. Otherwise, they get a drink and a snack, then the gospel. I asked her who helps her. She said a couple of people from church will help some, but mainly it is only her. She said most people do not understand the burden to win souls, even children’s souls. She said those kids are left unattended every day. Their parents do not take them to church but will allow them to come to her house. So far, every child has accepted Jesus.
She still goes door to door knocking, handing out tracks that she made herself and copied. She invites people to accept Jesus into their hearts. Every weekend she is winning 5-50 people to Jesus. She asks for prayer since her sons father has nearly stopped supporting them. Her boys are also on fire for Jesus and helps her in ministry, they are pre-teens. But it’s difficult supporting and raising children as a single parent in full time ministry. We help as much as we can, we are so thankful for your help for her and the ministry in Mexico.
We still work in the Philippines as well as to care for orphans, keep our sewing clinic open, our Bible School is doing well and our bible studies and church services. Thank you for being part of the mission field. God bless you.
With love in Jesus,
Sis. Heather Becker
Another notice, another empty file, someone else has "graduated to heaven," as they say in India.
Although the soul that has reached it's goal, it has left an empty place here and left not only grief for loved ones, the loss is felt when sending mission support.
Please consider Full Gospel Native Missionary in your will who continues to do the work of the Lord to spread the gospel and help the needy.